A dad and daughter tradition since 1926…

The Sequoia Nation Princesses program provides children and their fathers with opportunities to become real friends by sharing enjoyable experiences, observing and learning about one another, and developing mutual respect. We believe that by investing a little time with your child now, you may build a relationship that will last a lifetime!

Guide “Tribes” consist of a group of families living in the same area, enabling you and your child to create lasting friendships and building your community. Monthly meetings and other fun “nation” events emphasize the important role that parents play in the growth and development of their children.

The Sequoia Nation is a Dads and Daughters program that is made up of the awesome dad and daughter Wildcats and Northstars tribes. Other nations of the Algonquin Longhouse Guides program provide other parent child combinations (e.g. dads and sons).


The Guides Program Aims:

  • To be clean in body and pure in heart
  • To be friends forever with my Dad / Daughter
  • To love the sacred circle of my family
  • To be attentive when others speak
  • To love my neighbor as myself
  • To seek and preserve the beauty of the Great Spirit’s work, in forest, field and stream.

If you have interest in joining or would like more information:
Email us at info@sequoianation.org

We look forward to hearing from you!